Senin, 29 November 2010

Cara membuat Es Kelapa Muda

Es Krim Kelapa Muda

bahan :

  • 1/2 ltr sus segar
  • 100 ml kelapa muda
  •  i sdk maizena , larutkan sedikit dalam air
  •  3 telur ayam, ambil kuningnya saja lalu dikocok
  •  200 gr daging kelapa muda
  •  10 mk krim kental

Cara membuat :
  1.  campurkan susu dan air kelapa muda kemudian aduk rata
  2. masak diatas api kecil sambil diaduk terus hingga panas
  3. masukkan cairan maizena kemudian aduk terus hingga mendidih
  4. ambil sedikit adonan kemudian aduk dengan kuning telur
  5. masukkan kembali kedalam adonan. Masak hingga mendidih kemudian angkat dan terus di aduk hingga uapnya hilang
  6. tambahkan daging kelapa muda dan krim kemudian aduk rata
  7. Setelah agak dingin, masukkan ke dalam freezer hingga setengah beku
  8. Aduk kembali hingga rata kemudian simpan dalam freeze hingga beku
  9. Sajikan dalam gelas gelas kecil

Rabu, 24 November 2010


Hai guys! It's me juliana ! i want to tell you about MY LIFE. do you want to see? if YES ! see it in the bellow.

hey i'm juliana . i'm 13 years old and study at               SUTOMO1. my hobby is listen to music , studying , read comics and novel , disturb friend , playing games and etc. I have a lot of bestfriend. There is Jolyana wihardi , carine tan , elke feliciana , stephanie sim, angela halim , laetitia bernice, kevin liawandi, kevin thomas, angeline darsono , jessy angelina, sherine alexandra and etc. it's lot. :) so i can't tell you more.

And that is me. :) hahahahahaa... *narsis time* :p
this is at home. This has been edited by me.:)
and this is all about me and in the next is all my besties. :)
sorry maybe there is something wrong at the words at the picture. hahahaha, :p


hey! this is my nearest besties. In my infront is Jolyana and in jolyana beside is Carine and in jolyana and carine behind is me! yeah ! this is my best best best bestfriend. and i wish we will never separated us.

There is me and my besties. There are : in the middle is Jessy angelina. and in the beside there is carine and the beside one again that is me . Hahahaha. :p . this location is at SD Sutomo 1 . and the photografe is  sherine alexandra. (Y) wkwkwk. :p 


These  is me and  my friend AGAIN! hahaha. 
this is at smp/sma Sutomo1 at blok E . :D 
this is after the tuition finish and we come here . 
there is Me, Carine , Jessy Angelina , and sherine, The photografe is Angeline Darsono. . :D

Hahahahaaa. that's all about me. :) may be i'll tell you again next time ok ? wkwk. Btw ThankYou. :p